
Letters to the Editor and Columns by the ACDP & Our Members


The Shocking Part of the Story (August 10, 2024)

Had I not been at the [Alpena} County Board of Commissioners meeting on Tuesday, I would not have believed it.  During the "Public Comment" time a community member offered to remove all the negative library signs posted around the county in exchange for their vote to remove all members of the Alpena County Library Board.  This same individual told the County Board of Commissioners he had a list of names, ready to go, that could replace the current library board.

 In a 6-1 vote, our commissioners accepted this bribe and voted to begin the process of removing, and replacing, every single member of the current library board.  In a clear "quid pro quo" (a favor granted in exchange for something) these 6 commissioners violated their oaths of office, abandoned all integrity and accepted this shocking, openly offered bribe.  If this isn't reason enough to remove these 6 commissioners from their seats, I don't know what would be. 

Diane O'Connor


I write this column with a serious concern for the future of Democracy. Especially when I live in a predominantly Red NE Michigan area. Please, read on.

America is at a crossroads. This message is primarily directed to the disaffected Republicans, the independent voters, and the unaffiliated voters. I hope the extreme MAGA Republicans will continue to read.

This is the most important election of our lifetime. It is an election that will either save America as we/you have known it or dramatically alter the America you have lived in and called home for your lifetime.

I am involved with a national grass-roots organization called Democrats 101 ( We are not a political organization but an advocacy group promoting the survival of Democracy. Trust me, Democracy, as we know it, is in a fragile condition in these times.

Democrats 101 believes:

*ALL PEOPLE ARE CREATED EQUAL, that this is America’s fundamental ideal.

*AMERICA IS A DEMOCRACY BY AND FOR THE PEOPLE: ruled by the Constitution and its interpretations, protected by the Bill of Rights, and inspired by the Declaration of Independence.

*These founding documents demand Freedom, Justice, and Opportunity for all Americans, in full and equal measure—regardless of who you are, what you believe, or where you live.

*The DUTY OF GOVERNMENT is to strive endlessly to make the ideals of Freedom, Justice, and Opportunity a reality for all.

*That the PURPOSE OF GOVERNMENT is to protect our nation, defend our democracy, and to endlessly promote the welfare of each and every one of us.

Our goal is: “A just society…as long as it takes”

These are not just “Democratic” values. These are basic, fundamental AMERICAN values.

Who can disagree with these values that we (the vast majority of us) have all accepted and lived by for our entire lives?

These American values we all should believe in are on the ballot on November 5, 2024.

Be careful what you wish for Trump supporters. Your basic, fundamental rights are in serious jeopardy if you vote for a wanna-be autocrat, a 34-time convicted felon, a man found civilly liable for sexual assault, a racist, a misogynist, a xenophobic, and homophobic man who happens to be a dangerous sociopath and narcissist who only cares about himself and not a whit about you, the average American.

Democrats 101 defines Freedom, Justice and Opportunity as follows: 

FREEDOM means…

THE RIGHT of every citizen to shape their own life, and their beliefs…so long as it does not infringe on the rights or safety of others. 

THE FREE FLOW of information and movement.

THE RIGHT to privacy.

FREE AND FAIR ELECTIONS, at every level, in every place in America:

  • Elections that are fully transparent.
  • Elections that are free of the role of wealth and the wealthy
  • Elections that guarantee unlimited and easy access to voting for every American citizen.

JUSTICE means…

A SOCIETY where every citizen is safe in their person and their home, and their day-to-day lives.

A SOCIETY where every citizen is treated with dignity, regardless of race, creed, or personal difference of any kind. 

A SOCIETY where every citizen is treated equally before the law, and by the law.

A SOCIETY where racism is wrong, where discrimination is wrong, where the government intervenes when racism or discrimination threatens a person’s basic rights.


EVERY AMERICAN deserves an equal chance to pursue their dreams, to be judged on their ability and their effort alone.

EVERY AMERICAN, child and adult alike, deserves the education that gives them that chance.

EVERY AMERICAN adult deserves the chance to a living wage, and to work with dignity…a job where pay, working conditions, and treatment are suitable reward for the effort and skill put in.

EVERY AMERICAN deserves to live without fear of hunger or homelessness or lack of medical care.

EVERY AMERICAN deserves to live in a healthy environment that includes clean air, clean water, and safe food.

EVERY AMERICAN deserves the chance to move forward, no one left out by change, and no one left behind no matter who they are or where they live.                                                                                                                            

Who in their heart with a basic sense of decency and fairness can disagree with these visions of American Democracy?

To Trump supporters, again I say be careful what you wish for. If Trump is elected, you will discover quickly that these “taken for granted” liberties that you have enjoyed and benefited from all your life will be steadily stripped from you.

Kamala Harris has said already in her campaign speeches:

“We believe in Freedom!”

‘We believe in Opportunity!”

“We believe in Liberty!”

Sound familiar?

If you believe in these values and want to protect these American rights please do the right thing for your future, the future of your children and grandchildren, the future of your extended family and friends, and the future of all Americans who believe in Democracy.

Vote Democratic in November to save your world as you know it.

Dan McNeil is Vice-Chair of the Alpena County Democratic Party, Vice-Chair Region 5, Congressional District 1 Dems, and a leader in the national grass-roots Democrats 101 movement. 

Dan McNeil

If you don't have integrity, nothing else matters (Alpena News / May 11, 2024)

A recent commentary written by Alpena News editor Justin Hinkley, for the April 27th edition, opined on
the recent NBC news versus Ronna McDaniel controversy. To review, a few weeks ago the network
hired McDaniel as a paid contributor, specifically as a political analyst. McDaniel served as chair of the
Republican National Committee from 2017 until her resignation in 2024. This announcement was met
with sweeping resistance from NBC news staff who objected to collaborating with someone who
actively worked to undermine and subvert the 2020 election. Notably, McDaniel made false claims of
voter fraud, characterized the January 6th insurrection as "legitimate political discourse" helped
organize fake electors, and promoted multiple election conspiracy theories. The network summarily cut
ties with McDaniel.

Justin's commentary suggested NBC made an error in parting ways with McDaniel saying mainstream
media could dampen existing perceptions of being overly liberal by incorporating conservative voices in
their programming. Being inclusive of conservative views in mainstream media is not only a good idea,
it's currently standard. What should never be standard, however, is entertaining the notion that all
viewpoints deserve a platform. Balance does not come from incorporating the thoughts or opinions of
anyone who vacated the principles of integrity and honesty in a public forum.

Anyone who makes claims of election fraud based solely on the fact that their guy lost has relinquished
credibility and has abandoned all rectitude. And it's time we stop referring to this presentation as
election-denying. It should be addressed for what it really is: unpatriotic and undemocratic. It's
understandable why NBC news staff didn't want to be affiliated with such an individual as it would
certainly call into question their own standards in reporting. Truth matters. Integrity matters.
McDaniel gave up her seat at any table of legitimacy when she abdicated these principles.

Diane O'Connor

Please vote for Democracy

I am appealing to voters. Please vote for Democracy!

In the Primary Election for the 106 th State House District that covers much of Northeast Michigan, vote for the only true Democrat in the race: Trina Borenstein.

First, let me say: there is a MAGA Republican scam occurring in this race.

Trina’s Primary opponent, Mary Lucille Hamilton, has consistently donated to, and supported, MAGA Republican candidates. She has filed on the final day possible, to run as a Democrat in the 106 th Primary to steal your vote. Look at her photo going viral on social media posts. She is wearing a “Make USA Great Again” hat at a Trump rally.

That says it all.

If this tactic offends you, or if it piques your curiosity of this effort to compromise your vote, click on this link for the actual photo.

This is the strategy of Project 2025 of the MAGA Republicans. Do not be fooled or fall for this scam.

We have the opportunity to elect a REAL Democrat to replace Cam Cavitt. We have a candidate who believes in the American values of Freedom, Justice, and Opportunity for all…for Democracy.

Trust your belief in these values, trust your desire to protect OUR Democracy.

Trina will work to ensure your vote is valid, secure, and counted. Vote for Trina Borenstein!

Dan McNeil, Alpena Township

Affordable Housing – A Democratic Struggle (Alpena News / March 2024)

Democracy is a fundamental pillar of governance, emphasizing equal participation and representation. However, when it comes to affordable housing, the health of American democracy faces significant challenges. In the United States and Northeast Michigan, housing affordability has been a persistent issue, even before the Covid Epidemic of 2020.

The rising costs of health care, education, energy, and childcare have strained the American dream. Despite heightened attention and policy efforts democratically elected officials at various levels of government struggle to systematically address these challenges.

Nowhere is this democratic struggle more evident than in the realm of housing. According to a report by Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies, 35% of U.S. households live in housing that they can’t afford. The inability to access affordable housing affects individuals, families, and communities across Northeast Michigan.

But, affordability is not just about the cost of housing; it’s also about the ability of citizens to participate fully in our communities. When housing costs consume a significant portion of household income, it limits a person’s capacity to engage in civic life, advocate for their needs, and contribute to local democracy.

However, the question remains: Are our elected officials effectively addressing affordability concerns? Democratic accountability demands that policymakers produce policies responsive to citizens’ needs and demands. Unfortunately, the struggle to address affordability persists. Housing affordability affects not only individual households but also the overall health of democracy. As we continue to grapple with this challenge, finding innovative solutions that prioritize equitable access to housing is crucial for strengthening our democratic fabric.

Again, affordable housing is a critical issue in a democracy. It’s a matter of social justice and equality, and it’s directly linked to a person’s quality of life. Democracies, by their nature, should strive to ensure that all citizens have access to affordable housing.

Achieving this goal can be challenging. Factors such as market dynamics, government policies, and societal attitudes all play a role. For instance, NIMBY (Not in My Back Yard) phenomenon, where current residents resist new development, can hinder the creation of affordable housing.

In a democracy, citizens can influence housing policies through voting, advocacy, and public discourse. Therefore, it’s important for citizens to be informed about the issues and engage in the democratic process to bring about change.

TED FINES, Executive Director of Northeast Michigan Habitat for Humanity
Presentation to the Alpena County Democratic Party, March 2024

Cavitt's Cuts Wrong for Families (Alpena News / January 4, 2024)

In the Dec. 23 issue of The Alpena News, Michigan Rep. Cam Cavitt decried that a planned Michigan income tax cut will be limited to 2023 and not become permanent.

The reduction from 4.25% to 4.05% was formulated by the Rick Snyder administration in 2015 with delayed implementation until there was a surplus in the Treasury. Michigan’s attorney general recently rendered an opinion that the tax cut is not mandated to be permanent but, instead, resets after one year. Rep. Cavitt wrote in his column that this decision was a betrayal by Democrats and a blow to working families in Northeast Michigan.

Rep. Cavitt has chosen to make this a political Republican versus Democrat issue and to posture himself as a “defender” of families. The reality is more complicated and Rep. Cavitt hides behind that complexity.

The new tax cut will save the average Michigan family about $100 in their 2023 tax filings, but will cost the state $650 million in lost revenue. Michigan is presently running a financial surplus and it’s appropriate to want relief for all families. The problem with making the cut permanent is that $650 million in critical services will need to be eliminated.

Real government leaders always recognize that we have to balance revenue (taxes) with services. Everyone wants tax cuts, but, then, we also must identify what services will be eliminated.

Naturally, Rep. Cavitt made no attempt to identify what services will be eliminated. Maybe Rep. Cavitt should be invited back to The Alpena News to specifically identify what services for Michigan families will be cut in order to fund his desire for a permanent $650 million revenue decrease? Remember that many expenditures are constitutionally mandated or federally funded. What critical services should be eliminated? Road repairs? Health care? School funding? Environmental protection? The State Police?

Citizens cannot hold their breath for an answer from Rep. Cavitt. After all, Mr. Cavitt was a no-show at a scheduled debate during the 2022 campaign. Rep. Cavitt is long on rhetoric and short of specifics.

What residents of Northeast Michigan can get excited about are two new key tax cuts recently signed into law by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. One repeals the unpopular pension tax and will put as much as $1000 back into the hands of retirees. The other is an expansion of the earned income credit for lower-income workers. Both tax cuts were part of a tax overhaul (HB 4001) that was promoted, developed and passed by Democrats. Rep. Cavitt voted “no” on those tax cuts. Therefore, when Rep. Cavitt decries the Democrats’ denial of a 0.2% income tax cut as permanent, he is being disingenuous and depending on Northeast Michiganders to be uninformed.

One of the key differences between the tax overhaul by Democrats and the income tax cut desired by Republicans is who will benefit. The Democratically promoted tax overhaul ensures reduced taxes for lower-income Michiganders and those working for a living. A straight income tax cut, however, will disproportionately benefit the wealthy. While a $100 tax cut would benefit many families who are struggling, a permanent tax cut might also eliminate critical services that many of those same families rely upon for day-to-day support. If Rep. Cavitt is for working families, then surely he is also for meaningful tax reductions and the continuation of key/critical services?

Northeast Michiganders are facing a multitude of needs at this time. Affordable housing remains scarce and an obstacle to economic expansion. We still have underserved cell phone coverage and a lack of broadband internet access. Much of Northeast Michigan is a daycare desert. Schools in our region can’t get enough qualified teachers. Northeast Michigan needs real ideas, along with supportive legislation to address the kitchen-table issues that are facing working families, not political grandstanding that Cavitt has become known for. That style of rhetoric is how politicians dodge tackling complicated and difficult issues.

Cavitt is facing a recall from his own party because he hasn’t been hard enough on Democrats in Lansing. Perhaps Rep. Cavitt’s Dec. 23 column is supposed to make himself look tough and bullish to his fellow conservatives?

In 2024, voters will get another chance to decide how they will be represented in Lansing. Cavitt will want another two years to continue his record of underperformance. The Republicans are trying hard to get an even more conservative politician in his place to ensure political gridlock in Lansing. There will be, however, a Democratic candidate for that seat. Whoever that person will be will represent an alternative, one where families of Northeast Michigan are valued and served in genuine ways.

Vote accordingly.

Our families and our future generations are depending on us. They are worth it.
Marie Fielder is a former Democratic candidate for the Michigan House of Representatives, District 106.

MARIE FIELDER, Guest Columnist
Published in The Alpena News January 4, 2024

What’s the Big Deal?! Michigan’s Clean Energy! (Alpena News / January 2024)

Transformative, ambitious, & controversial aptly describes Michigan’s new renewable, clean energy legislation enacted last November 28th. Imagine. This new 100% clean energy mandate positions Michigan as a national energy leader. By 2040, only 17 years away, Michigan’s utilities will generate 100% of electricity from clean energy, mostly solar, wind, water, battery storage technologies & nuclear. That’s why this new legislation is a very big deal.

Because Michigan produces minimal natural gas, oil or coal, we pay billions to import non-renewable fossil fuels produced with out-of-state labor – at higher fluctuating & unpredictable costs. By contrast, locally produced clean wind & solar energy will use Michigan labor, create new Michigan jobs, & result in more predictable fuel costs, thereby reducing the risks of rising, wildly fluctuating fuel costs.

Certainly there will be foreseeable transition costs, but these will be offset by lower energy costs, increased energy security & a more reliable electrical grid. This new legislation balances the local & state siting of clean energy production, thus preserving a great deal of local control. Local governments, like our own, that sponsor wind & solar will realize significant revenue increases because they can convert low-taxed land into more valuable energy producing land. And Michigan farmers can stand on a better economic foundation by placing wind or solar on part of their land.

It's worth it, so that we can increase our prosperity, protect our Great Lakes & energy grid, improve our air quality & public health. Our future generations are counting on us.

Published in The Alpena News January 2024


Yes, Jack Berman is Unfit to Be Speaker of the House (Alpena News / October 28, 2023)

Jack Bergman, U.S. representative for Michigan’s 1st Congressional District, received copious news coverage over this past week in both local and national media. This coverage followed Bergman’s announcement that he was running for the position of speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. Bergman stated that he could “steady the ship” as House Republicans struggled to select a speaker after the ouster of Kevin McCarthy almost a month ago.

Following Bergman’s announcement, many voiced opinions that Bergman was unfit for speakership based on a lackluster record during his time in office and that he is not viewed as a uniter or effective problem-solver. Although these statements have merit, the more concerning aspect of Bergmans time in office is his lack of integrity, honor, and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States. Within hours of the Jan. 6 insurrection at our Capitol, Bergman sought to undermine the will of his constituents in Michigan by voting to decertify the election based on conspiratorial rhetoric surrounding unsubstantiated and legally dismissed claims of election fraud. With this action, Bergman violated his oath of office to uphold and defend the Constitution, and sought to subvert a democratic process.

In simple terms, Bergman is a traitor to our democracy and demonstrated unparalleled hubris in claiming he possesses the qualities, or character, to stand second in line to the presidency. Fortunately, due to his uninspired time in office, and general lack of visibility in Washington and at home, it is unlikely he will ever be in consideration. This is good news … hit the road, Jack.

October 28, 2023

Hard work ensures local elections are secure (Summer 2023)

The Alpena County Republican Party invited their State Chairwoman, Kristina Karamo, to speak after their recent business meeting. There’s nothing unusual or untoward about this. Karamo gained notoriety last year when she voiced her election security concerns, seemingly standing in agreement with election deniers that President Biden was not legitimately elected. The paranoia & fear concerning the security of our country’s elections is unfounded – over 60 court cases showed insufficient evidence of election fraud.

I’m concerned that Karamo’s personal agenda may have a negative influence on our County’s election workers. I have worked the polls many times. If you could see the security measures in place, & witness the extraordinary steps taken to tally & secure our ballots, you would understand the utter silliness of these election denying allegations.

Our ballot choices are not being switched; dead people are not voting; mail-in ballots are verified; voter IDs are checked; ballot boxes are locked with numbered zip ties. Our County Board of Canvassers, to which I belong (our Board consists of 2 Republicans & 2 Democrats), reviews all poll books & vote totals for each precinct before we certify the vote. A few errors might occur, but never to the degree that would throw an election. When election totals are nearly tied between opponents, a hand recount of the ballots almost always confirms the totals are valid.

I commend all our election workers & office holders for the great jobs they are doing. Karamo’s attempts to create drama & doubt are part of the Republican MAGA faction’s platform. Don’t pay any attention to it. I would encourage our County Clerk, Keri Bertrand (R), to reassure all Alpena County voters that she can remain non-partisan & follow the law while administering our elections. I have no reason to believe otherwise.

Alpena County Democratic Party
Published in The Alpena News Summer of 2023

Marriage Act Moves Us to A More Perfect Union (Alpena News / Spring 2023)

This week President Biden signed into law the Respect for Marriage Act which will protect same-sex and interracial marriages. This historic legislation ensures the federal government cannot stand in the way of marrying the person you love and guarantees the right and protection to which same-sex and interracial couples, and their children, are entitled.

This landmark legislation passed through Congress with bipartisan super-majority support. Twelve Republican Senators joined Democrats in a 61-36 vote, sidestepping a filibuster, while 39 House Republicans joined Democrats in a majority vote of 258-169. The Respect for Marriage Act does not mandate that states issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, but requires that all states recognize marriages legally performed in any state. This bill also repeals the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act which recognized and defined marriage as between a man and a woman only.

Although the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage in 2015, current and future unions resulting from that decision would be in jeopardy if the Supreme Court should revisit that decision and rule these unions are not a constitutionally protected right under the 14th Amendment, such as what occurred this past summer with the 1973 Roe v Wade decision. The Respect for Marriage legislation was prioritized and hastened when Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas wrote in an opinion following the fall of Roe v Wade that the court “should also reconsider” the ruling that legalized same-sex marriages. At this suggestion, alarm bells rang and Congressional Bipartisanship unequivocally spoke.

The Respect for Marriage legislation moves our country toward the ideals this nation was founded on: equality for all, liberty for all…respect towards all. It also is a testament to the belief that moving toward a more perfect Union raises each and every one of us. Indeed, a rising tide lifts all boats.

Published in The Alpena News, Spring 2023


Women’s Civil Rights Are Still Under Attack (Alpena News / October 15, 2022)

The Supreme Court ruling this summer overturning Roe v. Wade left a woman’s Right to Autonomy to state jurisdiction and instantly relegated all women to second-class citizen status. For the first time in our history, a right granted by the court has been rescinded and women’s constitutionally endowed right of freedom and privacy, as guaranteed in our Constitution, will depend on where you live.

The majority-male Supreme Court in a 6-3 decision ruled government, not women, will arbitrate women’s reproductive options. This Supreme Court ruling evidenced the stark divide that exists between the conservative majority Supreme Court justices and the majority of the populace they were appointed to represent…and protect. Opinion polls consistently evidence the majority of Americans support a woman’s right to navigate her own reproductive health care options. A recent survey in Northeast Michigan revealed 70% of respondents support reproductive freedom, which mirrors state and national polling results. Make no mistake, a Supreme Court willing to disregard the civil rights of women puts at risk future attacks on an array of civil rights.

In Michigan, however, on Nov. 8th, voters will determine whether to protect women’s reproductive rights through a ballot initiative, Proposal 3. A “yes” vote on Proposal 3 will write “reproductive freedom” rights into the Michigan Constitution and prevent a 1931 law from going into effect that would criminalize most abortions. In referencing this archaic 1931 law a Michigan judge said, “A law denying safe, routine medical care not only denies women the ability to control their bodies and their lives, it denies them of their dignity.”

It’s become clear, basic rights are under attack due to the composition of the Supreme Court itself, and this is a reminder that freedoms are never guaranteed, are hard-won…and easily lost.

Published October 15, 2022 by The Alpena News

Clarifying Inaccurate Comments on Proposition 3 (Alpena News / October 15, 2022)

In response to the Oct. 1, 2022 letter-to-the editor regarding Proposition 3, several of the points made are incomplete and/or incorrect. Let me clear them up.

Prop. 3 restores the same rights we had under Roe v. Wade for 50 years. Prop. 3, added to our State Constitution, gives the broad rights to citizens to make their own private pregnancy medical decisions. Prop. 3 also specifically gives the state the ability to limit these rights in certain circumstances.

In response to the description of late-stage abortion in the Oct. 1 letter, here are facts. Late-stage abortion is incredibly rare (fewer than 1% of all abortions nationwide) and is performed as a result of either fetal anomalies that will prevent the fetus from living outside of the mother’s body or anomalies that have already ended the fetus’ life in utero. A mother’s body doesn’t always naturally deliver a fetus that has died and intervention becomes necessary to protect her life.

Just like our First Amendment rights to free speech give us freedom from government persecution for speaking our opinions, 1A doesn’t give citizens the right to ‘yell FIRE in a crowded theatre’ to use the classic example. There are limits to free speech to preserve the safety and freedoms of other people. Prop. 3 will be limited the same way Roe was with respect to consent, medical standards of care, patient safety, and physician licensing. None of these aspects of healthcare are changed by Prop. 3.

Prop. 3 is common sense; it put back what was in place in Michigan for decades. It gives women peace of mind, knowing that their safety and health are paramount to their own decisions around pregnancy. Prop. 3 also protects Michigan citizens’ rights to contraception, IVF, miscarriage care, and pre/post-natal care – all aspects of pregnancy in addition to abortion care.

Published in The Alpena News October 15, 2022

Our Stolen Elections & the Future of Our Democracy (Alpena News / August 13, 2022)

Before Donald Trump even lost the 2020 presidential election, he asserted that, if he lost, it would only be because of cheating.

So he laid the groundwork for his coming “Big Lie” that the only legitimate outcome would be his victory. So it was no surprise when he invoked cries of fraud in the hours and days after his election loss.

Donald Trump has a long history of painting a narrative that serves his purpose, without any regard to the truth. It’s how he “sells” everything that is “Trump.”

Like so much about Trump, his narrative has the ability to take hold with his base. There are about 30% of Republicans that truly believe what he says. They have surrendered their critical thinking skills. If you are in that group, you are in a cult. Seriously, you are in a cult and need help.

The rest of the Republican Party, sans a few brave individuals, know better but are too timid or weak to speak the truth. If you are a politician, you are afraid because Trump has a long reach and can probably determine your political future. So you sheepishly validate the lies or choose nebulous talk to try and say nothing committal when questioned. If you are just a Republican voter, the other 70%, you just go along, although deep down you know better. You go along because you want to keep peace around the dinner table at home. Likely, you have family that is part of the 30%.

The question of a fraudulent election isn’t even a real question to the rest of America.

Elections are implemented not on national scales, not even on state levels, they are implemented in counties, townships, and city precincts. Alpena County alone has 19 different voting townships and precincts. America has like 30,000 mini-elections that are all totaled to determine the popular vote counts.

The ability to inflict wide-scale fraud is virtually impossible. Every one of those 30,000 mini-elections are governed by bipartisan teams and professionals. They are certified at the lowest level, then certified by bipartisan review teams at the county levels. Then again at the state level, then again at the national level.

There are enormous safeguards and oversight.

After Trump began his assertion of fraud, Michigan’s state Senate Oversight Committee, led by Republican Ed McBroom, investigated and found no evidence of fraud and declared Michigan’s 2020 election to be fair and valid.

Instead of accepting that, state Republicans shrugged it off or labeled McBroom a traitor. Trump and his minions offer no real explanation for the mechanisms of fraud other than secondhand anecdotes and the propaganda of “2000 Mules.”

It is no surprise that the only fraud they claimed in 2020 was in Democratic victories. All the Republicans elected that year were somehow OK. Even the mainstream media won’t cover those stories anymore without labeling it the Big Lie. When the Big Lie wasn’t getting results fast enough, Trump went to Plan B and organized the insurrection, the greatest assault on our democracy in American history.

The lies won’t go away. Sustained by a party that has sold its soul to desperately try to stay in power or regain power. It’s easy for Republicans to embrace conspiracy theories because it alleviates them from having to talk about real issues. A welcome distraction to keep their base whipped up and the donations coming in.

Trump Republicans have succeeded in translating the Big Lie into a movement to select election workers who not only perpetuate the lie, but vow to stop future fraud (translation: any Democratic victories). That is being implemented from secretaries of state to judges, to county clerks, and even precinct captains and observers. The very people who are supposed to be our guardians of fair elections will be filled with the ranks of partisan election-deniers.

Those few professional, impartial workers remaining instead will be threatened and harassed until they leave their roles in fear and exhaustion.

So it is not an exaggeration to say that, in the 2022 midterm election, American democracy is on the line. Which means the future of our nation is on the line.

If you are a Republican, you might be tempted to say, “So what?” As long as my party is victorious, why should I care?

The answer is that, when democracy is forfeited, the future of our nation gets consolidated in the hands and minds of a very small set of people.

There is nothing more dangerous.

No one has to look any farther than the one-party communist nations or countries ruled by theocracies. Our message to Republicans perpetuating the Big Lie or those content not to speak the truth: You are playing a very very dangerous game and gambling with our nation’s future. Think of your children and grandchildren, if nothing else.

Democracy can only survive if it is premised on the truth and collective will of all the people. Some elections go to Republicans, some go to Democrats. Our nation then tends to find a middle ground.

If we hand the reins of elections to those who will only certify Republican victories in the future, then the great American experiment is done.

Choose wisely in November.

Ask hard questions of your candidates and never surrender your ability to critically think and make your own assessment.

Published in The Alpena News August 13, 2022

Men With Weapons Downtown Violated the Law (Alpena News / July 2, 2022)

On June 13, The Alpena News printed a picture of four men gathered on the corner of Chisholm Street and 2nd Avenue with loaded semi-automatic, assault-style weapons. These men were anti-protesters to a peaceful “March for Our Lives” event, organized with a purpose of demonstrating solidarity for victims of gun violence and also to advocate for legislative changes to our gun laws.

While it is understood these men were exercising their U.S. Constitutional right to gather and their Michigan Constitutional right to open carry, they did not uphold the legal obligation incumbent on the gun carrier in that they brandished these weapons.

Brandishing, as defined by Michigan Compiled Laws, would be pointing or waving a gun at anyone or displaying a firearm with the intent to cause fear in another person. It can reasonably be stated that angry men, carrying loaded semi-automatic, assault-style weapons, while yelling obscenities and vulgarities at peacefully assembled people, do intend to incite fear. In other words, Open Carry Laws do not entitle the owner to terrify others with the weapon they own.

When gun owners engage in their right to open carry, they cannot, by law, brandish these weapons as defined by Michigan Compiled Laws (MCL) 750.234(e) and MCL 750.222(e). This is a violation of Michigan State Law, and therefore, is an illegal act.

DAN McNEIL, Alpena Township
Published in The Alpena News July 2, 2022

Making A Case for Stricter Gun Legislation (Alpena News / June 18, 2022)

The four men who stood on the corner of Chisholm Street and 2nd Avenue last Saturday, June 11, with their assault-style, semi-automatic weapons and shouted lewd and offensive comments at peacefully assembled “March for Our Lives” participants make the case for stricter gun legislation.

Published in The Alpena News June 18, 2022

On March for Life and Gun Violence Solutions (Alpena News / June 18, 2022)

Last weekend saw peaceful demonstrations across America, as well as in Alpena, with citizens seeking solutions to the epidemic of gun violence in this country. This is an issue that hardly exists in many other countries around the world. Something that is very unique to America. Last weekend also saw counter protesters showing no apparent concern for finding a solution. In a sad show of their stance, profanities were given either with signs, clothing, vocally or indicated with a middle finger. This group included people running for elected office in Northeastern Michigan. Others raced around in their pimped-up pickups, gunning the engines – Hey, it’s not my $5/gallon gas you’re wasting. Most were adorned with their weapons. The actions appeared more as a show of their manhood, hatred toward others, and that they just don’t care. They are sold the line of not giving an inch on any gun issue. There are solutions to the gun violence issue and it’s not just the “thoughts and prayers” as too many in office continue to offer. Vote and vote carefully.

Published in The Alpena News June 18, 2022

Marchers Met With Semi-Automatic Weapons (Alpena News / June 18, 2022)

On Saturday, June 11, the Alpena County Democratic Party (ACDP) organized a “March for Our Lives” event to coincide with marches of the same occurring across the country. Event organizers obtained county and city permits to gather and march. The purpose of the march was to show solidarity for the victims of gun violence and demonstrate support for stricter gun legislation. “March for Our Lives” is a survivor and youth-led movement born out of a mass school shooting in 2018 and revived in the wake of recent mass shootings in Buffalo, New York and Uvalde, Texas.

Event participants gathered on the courthouse lawn and planned to march down Chisholm Street and through downtown. The ACDP expected a counter-protest but were in disbelief when a group assembled directly across the street brandishing assault weapons.

Four men from this group positioned themselves downtown on the corner of Chisholm Street and 2nd Avenue carrying assault-style semi-automatic weapons visibly equipped with 30-round magazine clips. Although not confirmed, if loaded these clips can discharge 30 bullets in under 30 seconds. To add to the incredulity, these men shouted vulgarities and profanities at the event participants which consisted of adults and children. The Alpena News printed a picture of these men. A reasonable assumption is this crude, threatening and disrespectful behavior was intended to intimidate and generate fear for the participants of a peaceful march honoring gun violence victims and advocating for legislative change.

This happened in our town on a busy Saturday afternoon while people were enjoying outings and shopping in the downtown area. The police were notified but did not intervene. Threatening and angry men, shouting vulgarities and profanities, holding semi-automatic assault-style weapons with visible magazine clips, standing on a busy downtown street corner… constituting clear and present danger. This happened in our town.

Published in The Alpena News June 18, 2022

Can Northeast Michigan be Part of the Solution to Mass Shootings? (Alpena News / June 4, 2022)

In the wake of mass shootings in Texas, New York, and at Oxford High in Michigan, the same dialogue about gun legislation has begun.

The Alpena Democrats would like to address that from a challenging perspective.

Mass shootings are a phenomenon that rarely occurs in the rest of the world and considered by other developed nations to be unique to America.

We believe the terrible and repeated phenomenon is a collision of three characteristics unique to America.

The first characteristic is the Second Amendment. The Second Amendment is the constitutional right to own and carry guns in America. That right is not freely permissible in any other developed nation.

The second characteristic is that American culture glorifies guns, not just for hunting but for the sake of ownership.

The third characteristic is that Americans embody a fierce sense of personal liberty in our individual psyche. Our nation was founded on the high value we placed on personal liberties, which can sometimes translate into an unwillingness to make sacrifices for the common good.

Individually, those characteristics may be a quality.

Collectively, however, they have created an ugly aspect to our nation as a whole.

It is tempting to view mass shootings and gun violence as a big-city problem, but the majority of mass shootings have taken place in communities of less than 50,000 people. Even if the majority of Northeast Michiganders are responsible gun owners, we should care. Maybe we don’t personally feel at risk, but likely our neighbors and our families do.

Thirty-seven thousand American deaths each year from gun violence is akin to nearly 18 9/11’s! America fought two wars over 9/11, but we appear to shrug off 37,000 deaths as being “inevitable” in order to practice the Second Amendment with little regard for public safety.

Republicans have dusted off their usual rhetoric by resisting any legislative solutions to gun safety. Instead, Republicans are once again calling for Americans to arm ourselves in defense of the “bad guy with a gun” or for communities to hire more police officers to guard our schools.

Both Robb Elementary in Texas and Topps supermarket in Buffalo had armed security and yet the bad guy wasn’t able to be stopped. Nor were armed officers able to limit the carnage.

Republicans appear to want our nation to return to the wild west where everyone wears a pistol on their hip and settles scores in the streets. The Republican version for America is akin to “The Hunger Games,” where we are pitted against one another for survival. No thanks.

Northeast Michiganders are generous, which is evident whenever tragedy hits our world or our side of Michigan.

So let’s ask ourselves if we are willing to relax our fierce personal liberties to accept added gun legislation like universal background checks in order to keep our children safe. Or are we so isolated and self-absorbed that we just change the channel on the TV and turn a blind eye to the cries for help from the rest of our state and nation?

With millions of guns in America and the Second Amendment enshrined in our Constitution, gun ownership is here to stay.

But the idea of common-sense laws to keep weapons out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill is something we should strive for. We already have gun laws. For example, it’s illegal to own a fully automatic machine gun, Americans can’t own a bazooka, etc. Most Americans understand that those weapons have no place in the hands of civilians.

Where is the right place to draw the line on gun safety legislation? It’s time to ask tough questions and have that debate.

Democrats are not opposed to the Second Amendment. But we do expect that our rights of “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness” enshrined in the Declaration of Independence will be upheld.

Sadly, those fundamental precepts of America seem to be in conflict with each other. If you are a Republican, we don’t expect you to become a Democrat over that issue, but we do ask if you are OK with the idea of accepting mass shootings and gun violence as an inevitable part of American life?

If the answer is “no,” then make your voice heard within your own party and challenge your party leadership to reach beyond opposition to common-sense gun legislation.

Republicans need to join the national conversation in a constructive manner that is geared toward real solutions.

Meanwhile, Democrats offer an alternative: a desire to find solutions to uphold our Second Amendment while also protecting the lives and rights of our families and neighbors.

After all, the best way we protect our Second Amendment rights is to ensure that they are not a direct threat to the life, liberty and happiness of the rest of America.

Guest Column Published in The Alpena News June 4, 2022

A Simple Ask for America on Gun Violence / May 28, 2022)

On Sunday, May 15, the Alpena County Democratic Party (ACDP) organized a rally on the Court House lawn to show support and solidarity for Women’s Reproductive Rights. The rally was organized in response to a recently leaked Supreme Court draft opinion that strongly suggests the Supreme Court is poised to overturn the landmark Roe v Wade decision which would end a woman’s constitutional right to chart her own reproductive future. Reproductive rights are ensconced within the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution as an endowed right of freedom and privacy.

As anticipated, the ACDP Reproductive Rights rally was countered with an anti-Reproductive Rights protest on the opposite side of the street. Both the pro-rights rally and the anti-rights protesters were peaceful in their assemblies. Both sides of the street held signs and posters declaring positions and beliefs.

Members of the ACDP, and other participating individuals, were disheartened by the biased manner the Alpena News reported this event. The large and featured photo in the Alpena News on the following day, May 16, was of anti-rights protesters with their signs clearly readable, while the photo of the event organizers (ACDP) was small, grainy and position signs were unreadable. It’s notable that pro-rights attendees outnumbered anti-rights protesters on a greater than 10-1 margin, however the Alpena News photo and article gave an impression of equal participation. This is objectively inaccurate and evidence of biased reporting. Of further concern, the Alpena News article used pejorative, incendiary and antiquated verbiage in describing the pro-rights rally group as “pro-abortion”. The ACDP requests the Alpena News review the premise underlying journalist integrity, which requires unbiased, fair and balanced reporting. Furthermore, the ACDP calls on the Alpena News to formally retract the inaccuracies in the reporting of this event.

Published in The Alpena News May 21, 2022

Bias Evident in Recent Alpena News Story / May 21, 2022)

A simple ask. Please, America, and on a smaller scale, Alpena, Michigan. Another massacre with an AK-15 with no apparent reason but infamy, and the slaughtering of 21 innocent children and two teachers in Texas (again)! What will it take in this country to understand the gun crisis we face? Shut up about your gun “rights”! What about the rights of 2-, 3- and 4-year-old innocent grade schoolers who were just beginning to grow? Stop! Your gun rights arguments are the root of this major problem. This is America. America is the deadliest nation in the world with gun massacres, including third world countries. Really? Stop it! Think! Get real folks. Are you comfortable with sending your child to school? Is your child next? Get out and vote for candidates who will stop this carnage.

DAN McNEIL, Alpena Township
Published in The Alpena News May 28, 2022

Alpena County GOP Has No Real Solutions (Alpena News / June 18, 2022)

On Saturday, June 11, the Alpena County Democratic Party (ACDP) organized a “March for Our Lives” event to coincide with marches of the same occurring across the country. Event organizers obtained county and city permits to gather and march. The purpose of the march was to show solidarity for the victims of gun violence and demonstrate support for stricter gun legislation. “March for Our Lives” is a survivor and youth-led movement born out of a mass school shooting in 2018 and revived in the wake of recent mass shootings in Buffalo, New York and Uvalde, Texas.

Event participants gathered on the courthouse lawn and planned to march down Chisholm Street and through downtown. The ACDP expected a counter-protest but were in disbelief when a group assembled directly across the street brandishing assault weapons.

Four men from this group positioned themselves downtown on the corner of Chisholm Street and 2nd Avenue carrying assault-style semi-automatic weapons visibly equipped with 30-round magazine clips. Although not confirmed, if loaded these clips can discharge 30 bullets in under 30 seconds. To add to the incredulity, these men shouted vulgarities and profanities at the event participants which consisted of adults and children. The Alpena News printed a picture of these men. A reasonable assumption is this crude, threatening and disrespectful behavior was intended to intimidate and generate fear for the participants of a peaceful march honoring gun violence victims and advocating for legislative change.

This happened in our town on a busy Saturday afternoon while people were enjoying outings and shopping in the downtown area. The police were notified but did not intervene. Threatening and angry men, shouting vulgarities and profanities, holding semi-automatic assault-style weapons with visible magazine clips, standing on a busy downtown street corner… constituting clear and present danger. This happened in our town.

Published in The Alpena News June 18, 2022

© 2024 | Alpena County Democratic Party | ACDP | Alpena, MI